Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Each work of art is a tool for the manufacturer to deliver the brain substance or flushing soul to others . Each work of art is made to be enjoyed . Enjoyed song for rhythm and beauty of tone. Made to be enjoyed painting and touch the line color composition . Poetry written so the author can shed right mood firmness meaning and beauty through his words. Late hands of an artist , every work of art found its destiny in the minds of the connoisseur . Thirdly : artists , works and connoisseur experience the meaning of a dialogue with the dialogue objects .

The artwork is a real form of an inner experience . In other words, an artist trying to translate all thoughts and feelings about something in a way that captured the senses of others. All forms of idealism that was auspices of the mind of an artist finally able to be read , heard, enjoyed by others . Passions which was not observable from one end can be perceived by the public. Finally , a work of art not only hangs from its imagination , but also its creators creations .

In a broader perspective , everything is a work of art. Bach is the sun for music composers . Dickens is the author of the lighthouse for fantasy stories . Picasso is gold ink between the artists of renown. Often not realized , Marx is compiler tones modern philosophy . Darwin is the person making the passwords biological real look at the future of civil society . And in fact, Einstein is the one who combines the world's millions of colors in modern physics . Matters to be equality of the big names above are equally sixth an idea a previously unimaginable things to the public . All of the above names have unlimited ability and intuition that is able to deliver their ideas to the public. In the end , everyone berdecak impressed and recorded the names on the inscription of human civilization .

In any form, absorbing human senses through art . Then , people observe what they catch in an interpretation . These interpretations are based on the way each individual thinks . Not one person has the same interpretation of its artwork . On the other hand , the interpretation of this artwork back to the experience of an art connoisseur himself. There are some people who do catch the purpose of the artist , there are some people who are more beroikir long ago, and even some who did not catch the meaning at all .

Amazing work of art is a work of art that can deliver God into the mind of a creator does not even mention his name in the artwork . The Sufis say , God is present not only late hum verses of undulating , not only through the paintings that contain his name , not only in poetry in praise of all his power . God is also present in the banal tones , tones that are arranged in such a way without thinking about anything beauty . Constituent tone reflects honesty . God is present in the outline - color outline a mutually cohesive and ultimately convert a unspoken harmony . These colors are only present when a painter suffered when he draws pleasure peak . God is present in the poem that expresses a longing to be peace, the yearning to be home and parents , yearning to loved ones . That's where God dwells and greet the public . even when people do not even mention his name.

The most hoped-for about a work of art is a feeling or sensation that is felt when you first enjoy it . New stuff will always make people curious existence. The new case is a man delivered the boat to the island feeling of the new group . Songs , paintings , and poems , or even a new theoretical physicist , philosopher's thought , and the new equation is a tool for people to describe the feelings that have never faced before. The more often enjoyed , the curious feeling to be filled for a long time and finally met with common sense . That's why people always want to meet him with new things , works of art that have not previously enjoyed .

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Home Study Course
How To Draw Pencil Portraits Quickly And Easily In 7 Days!
Learn To Draw Caricatures
Abc You Can Draw.
A Walk Into Abstracts - Ultimate Abstract Artist Resource
How To Sketch
The Thriving Artist
How To Make A Living As An Artist.
Sculpture And Art Tutorials
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Architecture is the science and art of planning and design of the built environment ( artifacts ) , ranging from the scope of such macro - planning and urban design , regional , environmental , and landscape - to the micro - scope such as the planning and design of buildings , interiors , furniture , and products . In a narrow sense , the architecture is often defined as the science and art of planning and building design . In another sense , the term " architecture " is often also used to replace the term " the results of the design process " .

If the science and art of planning and design of the built environment ( artifacts ) called " architecture " , people who have expertise and working within the field of so-called " architect " . Thus , the architect is a person who has the expertise and dabbling in the science and art of planning and design of the built environment ( artifacts ) - such as urban planning and design , regional , environmental , landscape , buildings , interiors , furniture , and products .


The term " architecture " was introduced in the first century BC. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio ( 88 BC - 26 BC ) , which was later dubbed the " Father of Architecture " , introduced the term " architecture " through his book De Architectura . But , basically , since the first generation of humans are architecture , in the sense that the architecture limits relating to the planning and design of the built environment . Traces of architectural relics from the past , which can be tracked at this time , shows that mankind has architecture ( producing the built environment ) thousands of years before the time of Vitruvius life , marked by numerous artifacts from the period before Vitruvius life - between another form of the results of work of architecture the Maya, Toltec , Aztec , Inca , China , Japan , India , Mesopotamia , and Egypt .

As a field of work , until the 19th century , the architecture is still not clearly separated from other areas . Figures planners and designers of the built environment - such as Michelangelo - can act as architect , painter , engraver / sculptor , constructor . In the later development , engineering and architecture began to be separated from other fields . In the 1880s there is a separation of expertise in architecture - with an emphasis on the aspect sphere shape , space and function - with - engineering expertise with an emphasis on aspects of the scope and structure construction in the calculation and implementation . In Indonesia , education expertise ranging independent architecture since the early 1950s , marked by the establishment of the Department of Architecture at the Bandung Institute of Technology .


As an art , architecture can not be separated from the norms of art . The principles of beauty which is also a fundamental principle in the field of art -such as unity , balance , harmony , rhythm - is also used as a basic principle in architecture . Architectural manifestation materialization is the result of artistic values ​​. That is why , at some universities in foreign countries , grouped into the architecture faculty of arts or the like .

Unlike the fine arts or other art that are grouped into pure art ( pure art ) , architecture grouped on the ' art of unused ' ( applied art ) . Architectural grouping into ' art Used' is not meant to imply that other art is not art unused or useless art , but rather on the fact that the intended architecture as art related to the planning and design of the container to be used in human activity. In contrast to the orientation of the painting - that produce tangible work of two- dimensional ( two-dimensional ) - and a sculpture or work of sculpture that produces masses of tangible three-dimensional ( three-dimensional ) , the orientation of the architecture is the work space and mass produce three- dimensional ( three-dimensional ) which emphasizes the nature and the existence and the effects of space as a container that will be used in the conduct of human activities.

As a science , architecture can not be separated from the norms of science and other disciplines . Because it is the science of planning and design of the built environment is a container for human activities - complete with human nature - the whole architecture can not be separated from the rules of the various science - related aspects of humanity such as psychology , sociology , anthropology , philosophy , ergonomics , and economy . Embodiment of architectural works is the application of rules concerning various aspects of science that humanity . Therefore , prospective architects also need the science fields . At most colleges abroad , the architecture faculty are grouped into social or the like .

Because it is the science of planning and design of the built environment to be built in a way or a certain technology or engineering and who must ensure the safety for human users, the architecture can not be separated from the rule - like structural engineering and construction , engineering and technology development That 's why , in some universities , architectural engineering faculty are grouped into one sort or another .


Field of architectural works relatively very broad . Architects can play a role in the support of Urban Planning ( Urban Planning) , may play a role in the support of City Design ( Urban Design ) , may play a role in the Environmental Planning and Design / region , can play a role in the Planning and Building Design , Interior Design ( Space In ) Building , Garden Design , Furniture Design , could serve as the Executive development ( Contractor ) , may play a role in the Company's Furniture ( Furniture ) , can act as a Surveyor and / or Quantity Surveyor for budget forecasting and cost of development , can act as Teachers , can act as researchers , architects can play a role in the Building Materials Industry , and may play a role in the field of construction services other

If you are interested in using the services of architecture or architecture there are some references that I recommend to you, follow the link below:
Curso Para Construir Un Domo Geodesico V4 Sin Complejos Conectores
Curso Para Disenar Tu Casa - De Rigo Salgado (view mobile)
Catalogo Con 697 Planos De Casas En Autocad - De Rigo Salgado
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Monday, September 23, 2013


Putri (1997)

Ningrat (2000)

Sydney 090102 (2002)

BO 18+ (2004)

All Access In Love (2006)

New Performance 2009 (2009)

Bumi & Langit Menangis (2011)

Energi + Dari Bumi & Langit (2012)

Saatnya Menang (2013)
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SHAGGY free download full album

Shaggy (lahir Orville Richard Burrell pada 22 Oktober 1968) merupakan seorang penyanyi berkebangsaan Jamaika. Dia merupakan karakter dariScooby Doo. Dia dilahirkan di Kingston, Jamaika. Keluarganya pindah ke Amerika Serikat dan tinggal di Valley Stream, New York. Dia berkarier di dunia musik sejak tahun 1993.
 buat agan2 yang suka musiknya disini ada ane buatin linknya. langsung aja ke TKP.

silahkan disedot gan
Album pure pleasure shaggy full
Album Origynal Doberman

Album Boombastic
Album Midnite Lover
Album Hot Shot

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boomerang all album free download

Berdiri pada tahun 1991, dengan nama "Los Angeles". plesetan yang diartikan dengan "malaikat tersesat". Kemudian pada tahun 1994 diresmikan dengan nama yang sekarang yaitu, Boomerang. Nama Boomerang sendiri diambil dari judul album pertama yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan rekaman dan dirilis dipasaran pada 1 Juli 1994 dengan single hit `Kasih`.

Formasi awal terbentuk:
=John Paul Ivan (gitar) 
=Inno Daon (vokal)
=Pet Agusty (dram)
=Hubert Henry (bas)

Sekitar tahun 1992 Inno Daon keluar dan digantikan Roy Jeconiah
kemudian tahun 1994 Pet Agusty keluar dari grup 
Tahun 1995 diadakan audisi untuk mencari pengisi posisi drumer yg kosong dan terpilihlah Farid Martin. 
Pada tahun 2005 John Paul Ivan mengundurkan diri dan membentuk band sendiri. 
Boomerang kemudian merekrut Oi dari grup Power Metal dan Tommy dari Riau sebagai gitaris. kemudian untuk memaksimalkan performa mereka maka pada tahun 2006 Boomerang merekrut Andry Franzzy yang merupakan mantan gitaris powerslaves yang kemudian keluar pada tahun 2012 bersama dengan vocalis Roy Jeconiah.

Album 2009 - Suara Jalanan
  1. halo sahabatku
  2. aurora
  3. suara jalanan
  4. seumur hidupku
  5. pantang menyerah
  6. cyrus
  7. massa
  8. ujung napas
  9. superior syndrome
  10. tetap bernyanyi
  11. cicak bin kadal

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Saturday, September 21, 2013


Maybe we all have a lot to know about yoga . But many of us do not know the about the meaning , purpose and benefits of the Yoga . To that end , perhaps we can learn a bit this time let's learn what yoga actually is after at some time we discuss about Know Your lau Traditional Chinese Medicine .

Meaning , Purpose and Benefits Of Yoga The first is to develop inner awareness as the basis for the outdoor life in order to establish a link to the Divine . Because of our involvement in external activities , we lose appreciation of the fact that how we feel on the inside determines how we act externally . We are very busy trying to get the right things externally , we forget that getting ourselves internally will actually sort out most of our problems in life .

Satisfaction that we are looking for from a variety of relationships , the accumulation of items to enhance the comfort and also the status of knowledge of external information can all be replaced by more satisfaction from understanding our deeper consciousness . That does not mean we do not have to have them , but if we can go beyond the need for them , we can perform better to participate in it in a more caring and giving appreciation and awareness to enhance our interactions with them .

Meaning , Purpose and Benefits Of Yoga The second is that we were able to find our inner harmony that will bring external harmony . It is much easier to manage our lives if we are happy , because we do not need external things to be happy . We need external things to survive and thrive in the world but not to be happy . External life will be of higher quality with more prosperity for everyone if we know happiness from within .

Happiness comes from within through the satisfaction of our own perspective on the world . If we can develop a point of view where we want to make the world a better place to live , not a place to get our satisfaction from things better for us and everyone around us .

This is why the first step in yoga is to improve ourselves. Make ourselves able to be happy despite difficulties in life enveloped in the world . We can do this by using yoga practices and techniques adopted lifestyle . Usually we are afraid to face what we can feel if we become more focused on the internal . School , parents , friends , neighbors , community , religion and government all taught how to behave and punish us in one way or another to not do what we are told . These are all external control . We are not taught about internal control or understanding of our inner nature except to make sure that we do things right in life even if it is contrary to how we feel in ourselves .

Meaning , Purpose and Benefits Of Yoga The third is to uncover how we feel in order to change the inner feelings to a higher level to have a link to the Divine . This does not leave the discipline to just do what we feel like in life and not suppress our feelings to do the right thing without feeling right about it . It is learned the true meaning of discipline in relation to our inner experience . This change in the energy level ourselves into a higher vibration to experience inner satisfaction and peace . Changes in lower vibration to a higher can be done with Yoga . This can be explained through knowledge of the chakras and the different characteristics of each chakra in yoga philosophy .

If we are depressed , would not it be great if we know how to turn that experience into bliss with minimal external action . Prana Vidya , practice yoga , can do when practiced correctly . Prana Vidya is the knowledge of our vital subtle energy systems that make our bodies and minds function . We can do that effectively from within if we look deep enough . But we are afraid to look into if we find something we do not like .

How many things are there in this world that we do not like ? In yoga , taught to focus on an object or idea , and loss of consciousness . This may seem silly to think normal but give our minds a rest so we can draw our awareness to see that in fact our own consciousness that is directing a purpose to us

The link below will take you to learn more and if you want to help with yoga, please click

  1. Shapeshifter Yoga
  2. Online Yoga Teacher's Training And Certification Program
  3. Brilliant Yoga
  4. Meditation And Yoga Certification Program
  5. Qigong For Happiness, Health And Vitality
  6. Yogasteya - Membership Site For Online Yoga Classes

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What is meditation ?

Meditation is a holistic discipline procession to reach the highest point of relaxation both in consciousness and focus on the unconscious person

meditation could be in say concentration exercise undertaken by many religions , adherents of animism , dynamism and the like that have been done since time immemorial . Understanding of meditation in the broad sense it does not emphasize the religious element but that did meditation come from many religions and beliefs . Movement meditation that I know there are several kinds , by sitting cross-legged in a quiet place while enforcing backs , set the respiratory circulation with eyes closed slowly in condition . But there is also a meditation in a way her body lay still in a state of eyes closed , relax nerves and muscle relaxes the mind while breathing slowly regulating the circulation .

Benefits are contained in Meditation ?

Meditation is an exercise in the sense of short focus / concentration to obtain a higher relaxation or deeper . It can be concluded to be useful for improving blood circulation to the brain and throughout the body . Can be used as an alternative way to get a sense of comfort , peace of soul , emotions and other cool on.If viewed from the perspective of a practitioner of metaphysics , meditation is essential to get the inspiration of God , get inspiration from nature , and sharpen one's sixth sense . Spiritual practitioners usually meditate in a quiet place like a tomb , rivers , caves , forests , etc. to sharpen the focus sensitivity and the sixth sense to cultivate the science of sharpness kebatinan . With great relaxation and deep, is expected to find great ideas to support ghoib science that is being studied . Meditation is done regularly can help reduce the emotional nature to the lowest point was not easy to get angry or indignant . Of understanding and the benefits of meditation on the question often asked was as follows :

Is Meditation can be done by everyone ?

Of course you can, such as studies on the benefits of meditation can to get a sense of comfort or a sense of peace of mind and the mind . So , if you want to gain a sense of comfort with one of the other alternatives such as meditation yes it is okay . There is not anything any weirdness about meditation but contains only relaxes the whole body , muscle , nerves and mind to sit cross-legged or lie down while regulating circulation with regular breathing slowly

You want to train and put your focus on your emotional stress ? 

Please try relaxation with meditation

- Sitting cross-legged facing free anywhere, can by listening to the tone of voice or music only can be done by the flow of water from the tank / swimming pool in your home

- Close your eyes , then take this breath from your nose gently and slowly through your mouth hebuskan

- Step into the subconscious or conscious pejaman you in the eye , and then try to listen to your heartbeat

- In the meditative state you can fill with thanksgiving / prayer / spells / wishes / intuition or visualization ( please specify your own convenient way to obtain your deepest relaxation )

some references that I recommend to help you in your meditation you can follow the link below:

  1. The Serenity Path
  2. Trypnaural Meditation - Premier CB Meditation Program
  3. Binaural Beats Meditation - Brainwave Entrainment
  4. Christian Meditation & Relaxation
  5. 11 X Guided Meditations For Spiritual Growth + 18 Free Ebooks
  6. Zen Life-flexibility Program
  7. Learn How To Meditate Program - Beginner's Meditation

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Thursday, September 19, 2013


Certainly has the ideal body shape is the hope of all people . Some people feel his body too thin, while a lot of people who feel they have excess fat to be removed . For those of you who want to lose weight by eliminating excess fat , this guide specially compiled for you .

What is Fat Loss ?

Lose weight with Weight Loss is often assumed , in which the main goal and the end result of this process is achieved weight loss regardless of whether it is down fat , body water , or even muscle mass in the body . For that reason, for those who want to lose weight and ideal body shape , it is advisable to do it in a healthy way is through Fat Loss program .

Fat Loss is a program aimed at the establishment of a statutory body to eliminate excess fat by way of exercise , dietary adjustments , supplementation and adequate rest . By running discipline and obeying the fourth aspect , the ideal body would be easy to come by .

How to Reduce Excess Body Fat & Body Shaping Ideal ?

In Fat Loss program , you need to pay attention to four important points , namely :

  1. Eating a discipline , it means eating 5 - 6x a day , high protein , low carbohydrate and low in fat . The goal is to increase the body's metabolism so that the body burns more fat and calories .
  2. Regular exercise patterns , meaning average menu workout of the week for all parts of our muscles . Although we only want to shrink belly fat , does not mean that we only focus on the abs alone , because it will not be effective .
  3. Patterns of rest, meaning without adequate rest metabolism will not run smoothly so that the quality and quantity of high resting will help you achieve your goals .
  4. Supplements are telling patterns , means that we must be smart to choose the right type of supplements to aid your fat loss program .

Free Fat Loss program is structured in stages to allow you to understand the important keys that determine the success of your diet .
some fat loss following brands are recommended to help your diet program:

  6. dieABHEMLosung
thanks for atention

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