Saturday, September 21, 2013


Maybe we all have a lot to know about yoga . But many of us do not know the about the meaning , purpose and benefits of the Yoga . To that end , perhaps we can learn a bit this time let's learn what yoga actually is after at some time we discuss about Know Your lau Traditional Chinese Medicine .

Meaning , Purpose and Benefits Of Yoga The first is to develop inner awareness as the basis for the outdoor life in order to establish a link to the Divine . Because of our involvement in external activities , we lose appreciation of the fact that how we feel on the inside determines how we act externally . We are very busy trying to get the right things externally , we forget that getting ourselves internally will actually sort out most of our problems in life .

Satisfaction that we are looking for from a variety of relationships , the accumulation of items to enhance the comfort and also the status of knowledge of external information can all be replaced by more satisfaction from understanding our deeper consciousness . That does not mean we do not have to have them , but if we can go beyond the need for them , we can perform better to participate in it in a more caring and giving appreciation and awareness to enhance our interactions with them .

Meaning , Purpose and Benefits Of Yoga The second is that we were able to find our inner harmony that will bring external harmony . It is much easier to manage our lives if we are happy , because we do not need external things to be happy . We need external things to survive and thrive in the world but not to be happy . External life will be of higher quality with more prosperity for everyone if we know happiness from within .

Happiness comes from within through the satisfaction of our own perspective on the world . If we can develop a point of view where we want to make the world a better place to live , not a place to get our satisfaction from things better for us and everyone around us .

This is why the first step in yoga is to improve ourselves. Make ourselves able to be happy despite difficulties in life enveloped in the world . We can do this by using yoga practices and techniques adopted lifestyle . Usually we are afraid to face what we can feel if we become more focused on the internal . School , parents , friends , neighbors , community , religion and government all taught how to behave and punish us in one way or another to not do what we are told . These are all external control . We are not taught about internal control or understanding of our inner nature except to make sure that we do things right in life even if it is contrary to how we feel in ourselves .

Meaning , Purpose and Benefits Of Yoga The third is to uncover how we feel in order to change the inner feelings to a higher level to have a link to the Divine . This does not leave the discipline to just do what we feel like in life and not suppress our feelings to do the right thing without feeling right about it . It is learned the true meaning of discipline in relation to our inner experience . This change in the energy level ourselves into a higher vibration to experience inner satisfaction and peace . Changes in lower vibration to a higher can be done with Yoga . This can be explained through knowledge of the chakras and the different characteristics of each chakra in yoga philosophy .

If we are depressed , would not it be great if we know how to turn that experience into bliss with minimal external action . Prana Vidya , practice yoga , can do when practiced correctly . Prana Vidya is the knowledge of our vital subtle energy systems that make our bodies and minds function . We can do that effectively from within if we look deep enough . But we are afraid to look into if we find something we do not like .

How many things are there in this world that we do not like ? In yoga , taught to focus on an object or idea , and loss of consciousness . This may seem silly to think normal but give our minds a rest so we can draw our awareness to see that in fact our own consciousness that is directing a purpose to us

The link below will take you to learn more and if you want to help with yoga, please click

  1. Shapeshifter Yoga
  2. Online Yoga Teacher's Training And Certification Program
  3. Brilliant Yoga
  4. Meditation And Yoga Certification Program
  5. Qigong For Happiness, Health And Vitality
  6. Yogasteya - Membership Site For Online Yoga Classes

Title: DEFINITION, BENEFIT AND PURPOSE OF YOGA; Written by Unknown; Rating: 5 dari 5

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