Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Each work of art is a tool for the manufacturer to deliver the brain substance or flushing soul to others . Each work of art is made to be enjoyed . Enjoyed song for rhythm and beauty of tone. Made to be enjoyed painting and touch the line color composition . Poetry written so the author can shed right mood firmness meaning and beauty through his words. Late hands of an artist , every work of art found its destiny in the minds of the connoisseur . Thirdly : artists , works and connoisseur experience the meaning of a dialogue with the dialogue objects .

The artwork is a real form of an inner experience . In other words, an artist trying to translate all thoughts and feelings about something in a way that captured the senses of others. All forms of idealism that was auspices of the mind of an artist finally able to be read , heard, enjoyed by others . Passions which was not observable from one end can be perceived by the public. Finally , a work of art not only hangs from its imagination , but also its creators creations .

In a broader perspective , everything is a work of art. Bach is the sun for music composers . Dickens is the author of the lighthouse for fantasy stories . Picasso is gold ink between the artists of renown. Often not realized , Marx is compiler tones modern philosophy . Darwin is the person making the passwords biological real look at the future of civil society . And in fact, Einstein is the one who combines the world's millions of colors in modern physics . Matters to be equality of the big names above are equally sixth an idea a previously unimaginable things to the public . All of the above names have unlimited ability and intuition that is able to deliver their ideas to the public. In the end , everyone berdecak impressed and recorded the names on the inscription of human civilization .

In any form, absorbing human senses through art . Then , people observe what they catch in an interpretation . These interpretations are based on the way each individual thinks . Not one person has the same interpretation of its artwork . On the other hand , the interpretation of this artwork back to the experience of an art connoisseur himself. There are some people who do catch the purpose of the artist , there are some people who are more beroikir long ago, and even some who did not catch the meaning at all .

Amazing work of art is a work of art that can deliver God into the mind of a creator does not even mention his name in the artwork . The Sufis say , God is present not only late hum verses of undulating , not only through the paintings that contain his name , not only in poetry in praise of all his power . God is also present in the banal tones , tones that are arranged in such a way without thinking about anything beauty . Constituent tone reflects honesty . God is present in the outline - color outline a mutually cohesive and ultimately convert a unspoken harmony . These colors are only present when a painter suffered when he draws pleasure peak . God is present in the poem that expresses a longing to be peace, the yearning to be home and parents , yearning to loved ones . That's where God dwells and greet the public . even when people do not even mention his name.

The most hoped-for about a work of art is a feeling or sensation that is felt when you first enjoy it . New stuff will always make people curious existence. The new case is a man delivered the boat to the island feeling of the new group . Songs , paintings , and poems , or even a new theoretical physicist , philosopher's thought , and the new equation is a tool for people to describe the feelings that have never faced before. The more often enjoyed , the curious feeling to be filled for a long time and finally met with common sense . That's why people always want to meet him with new things , works of art that have not previously enjoyed .

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Title: THINGS THE MOST DESIRABLE THROUGH ART; Written by Unknown; Rating: 5 dari 5

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